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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Underoath discuss their new album

As Underoath celebrate the release of their new album Lost In The Sound Of Separation, FemaleFirst caught up with the guys to chat about Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Facial Fuzz and super groups.

What have you been up to recently?

Just over here in the UK playing shows and riding around on the bus and eating Prawn Cocktail crisps!

You have just released Lost In The Sound Of Separation; what has the reaction been like?

It’s been great here in the UK; we’ve never been out of our home country for a CD release so it’s quite different being over here but I think it’s going well because people from the states have said they like it and we’ve been getting great reviews.

How would you describe the sound of the album?

It’s heavy, aggressive, honest and very fast.
The album has received amazing reviews, would you say it’s your best work yet?

I believe so for sure. Every time you take two years to support a new one and write a new one, your best efforts are put forward.

What’s the meaning behind the title?

It is actually a song lyric and the record deals with pain and dealing with your life. It points to hope in the end but we all get lost in the inconsistencies and shortcomings and it’s about the hope at the end of that.

Do you have a favourite track?

Either The Created Void or Too Bright To See: Too Loud To Hear. I’m not really quite sure as we haven’t have much time with it yet as we haven’t played a lot songs from it as it’s still really fresh and live we only play three or four songs from it as you don’t want to go play a load of songs that people don’t know.

You promoted the record by growing beards and encouraging your fans to do the same; do you still have your furry fashion accessories?

Unfortunately I can’t grow facial hair. I have a baby face - I’m 25 years old and I still can’t even grow any peach fuzz so I couldn’t take any part in it. My wife thinks it’s good though!

You also put ‘golden passes’ inside some of the albums; was this inspired by Charlie And The Chocolate Factory?

I think obviously it’s one inspiration but we always thought it would be really neat to have a handful of people who could get into any show free for the rest of our existence. And its not just in your home country; if a kid gets one in London, he can use it at a gig in China if he wants. No matter where we are in the world you can get in with no ticket price.

You’ve been around for a while and have seen a lot of bands come and go; what do you think of the bands that are dominating the scene at the moment?

It’s really different because back in the day it was very underground and private and these days it has become almost mainstream an din a sense there are so many bands all over the radio and TV. I remember being 17 years old and seeing the band Thursday on MTV and being completely blown away that they were being allowed to be played on there and that’s what started the whole media thing and allow bands like us to be on MTV.

It’s interesting to see the change in the influx of the scene.

Do you feel at all threatened by the new bands that are emerging?

I think that’s inevitable; I mean we’re all young but there’s always going to be a band full of 17 year old kids coming out trying to make it.

What do you think makes you different?

I think that everyone has something different to offer but Underoath strive to be honest and real with our listeners and to make the best product we know how to make whilst staying true to ourselves. There are a lot of great acts out there and I’m not the person to say who’s wrong or right.

Who do you look up to within the music industry?

It is people like Bono and Chris Martin. I love all types of music but as far as the industry guys go: definitely those two are my biggest influences.

Who would make up your super group?

I have no idea! Can it be dead or alive? John Bonham, Noel Gallagher, the bass player is the hardest one, maybe Bootsy Collins; and either Robert Plant or Bono: I cant decide.

Ooh, good choices! We ask everyone we interview to come up with a question for the next person we interview....and Electrovamp want to know; ““If you were in a fire; which (only one!) band member would you save?”

I plead the fifth; I cant answer that, it’s terrible, there is no way I can answer that question! That’s so morbid!

Okay, so what would you save if all your equipment was in there?
Our passports so we could get back home!

Very diplomatic answer there! So finally, what would you like to ask the next person I interview?

What is your least favourite food?

Watch this space to find out Sarah Whatmore’s favourite food

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